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Isabelle Duplessis

I am a qualified relationship counselling therapist from the Centre de relation d’aide de Montréal (CRAM) and have completed extensive training in naturopathy at the Institut d’enseignement en science naturopathique (IESN). Passionate about relationships, overall physical and mental well-being, and human beings, I believe in love and humanity. My 30-year career as a Quebec immigration reception agent at the airport has made me very sensitive to the reality that every human being, whatever their history, origin, and cultural affiliation, all have the same capacity to love and the same essential needs such as love, security, affirmation, active listening, recognition, creativity and freedom to be themselves.


kristina psychoéducatrice, OPPQ

Member of RITMA

Naturopathy receipts available

Passionate about travel, I was able to nourish myself, humanly speaking, with all this richness that we are as human beings.
My favorite saying is “The best medicine for humans is people”. (African proverb)




(514) 943-3933

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