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Intuitive Massage

profil, massothérapie, kinésithérapie , emotion code , naturopathie, énergie ,Laval ,Centre Holistique, libération émotionnelle,harmonisation énergetique, soulagement douleur,massage intuitif,lydia brodeur

This massage type aims to find  the origin of physical and emotional pain,  using energetic touches to bring emotions to consciousness  for better release, initiating the body self-regulation process. My unique approach consists  in  actively listening to the body and mind. Our
resources then quickly become more apparent.
I work with essential oils from a therapeutic and intuitive perspective, to deeply relieve somatized physical or emotional pain, and optimize  liberation and reconnection to the Self.

This massage will bring you...

  • A reconnection to Self

  • Profound relief from chronic pain

  • Better management of chronic stress

  • A release from old emotional wounds

  • Mental calm and a revitalized body

Massage crânien


1 h



1 h 30


Lydia Brodeur

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